


Vanessa (she/her) is a queer dyke writer living in Portland, OR. She’s the community editor at Autostraddle, a teaching artist with 826NYC and Literary Arts, and an instructor at the Sarah Lawrence College Writing Institute. She received her MFA in creative nonfiction from Sarah Lawrence College, and she is a Tin House Summer Workshop alum and a Hedgebrook Spring Retreat alum. Vanessa writes about friendship, home, loneliness, grief, sex, and the body; her work has been published in Autostraddle, Nylon, Catapult, Alma, Shape, among others, and her essay, “If I’m Lonely,” is included in Sex and the Single Woman: 24 Writers Reimagine Helen Gurley Brown’s Cult Classic, recently published from Harper Perennial. She is currently working on her debut novel.


Whether I am writing nonfiction or fiction, I am always searching for one thing to gift my reader: Truth with a capital T. As an instructor, I will give you the tools to write the truth in whichever genre calls to you. We'll mix, we'll match, we'll debate whether genre even matters!

My goal is to introduce students to writers they may not already know, encourage students to think critically about how to tell their own personal truths, empower students to generate new work and revise old work, create a supportive container for students to take writing risks, and honestly, make space for fun and joy in our writing practices, because in 2022 we all deserve that. 

I work with anyone who is interested in generating new work, receiving feedback in a supportive environment, learning tools for revision, and building writerly community. Queer writers are especially encouraged to work with me, as my own lived experience is deeply informed by my queer community, but everyone is welcome. If you want to write toward the truth based on your own lived experiences, my classes are for you.

My classes are perfect for writers who are working on long or short creative nonfiction projects and are ready to receive feedback on their work. Whether you are writing a research-heavy personal essay, a narrative-driven memoir, or something in between, there is a place for you in this class. Writers looking for accountability, kindness, and enthusiastic attention to their work will find a home in this workshop. 


Freelance writer

Adjunct Professor

Community Editor

Let's work together